Patient Care Signage | L&H Companies

In a healthcare setting, getting crucial information in a matter of seconds is essential. But misinformation in patient care can lead to medical errors, currently the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States.

Your patients’ health and medical liability are on the line and you need medical signage that clearly communicates crucial patient information to all healthcare staff.

Staff education prior to attending to a patient will foster a safer environment and improve the customer service experience for your patients and their families.

Increase the Credibility of Your Message Today.

Our Patient Care Sign (PCS) takes the typical patient room signs to the next level by quickly and effectively communicating critical patient information to every doctor, nurse, or clinician.

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Patient Care Signage | L&H Companies

How Do Visual Icons Communicate Messages?

Icons and symbols transform complex concepts into concise universally recognized symbols. Visual representations transcend language barriers and create an instant connection.


People process icons & visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Visual communication happens in a fraction of a second, while verbal information is a process that happens over time.

Not sure what sign type would fit best for your facility? Call 1-800-360.SIGN and ask for Patient Care Sign Sales to talk to someone directly.

Patient Care Signage | L&H Companies


of accidental deaths & serious injuries in facilities are linked to communication failures.


U.S. deaths per year are caused by preventable medical errors.

1.7 Million

people per year get an infection during a hospital stay.


of Patients have a chance of contracting an HAI (Healthcare Associated Infection) during a hospital stay.

Patient Care Signage | L&H Companies

Our Patient Care Signage is Clinically Proven & Compliant.

Misinformed medical staff can lead to extreme and unprecedented medical errors, which may cause loss of life. Our Patient Care Sign solutions not only feature a patented design but also comply with all medical standards. Here are a few examples of how:

Complies with all ADA and HIPAA standards

Reduces incidents of HAI (Hospital-Acquired Infection)

Ensures better outcomes for National Patient Safety Goal programs

Combines room identification, critical patient status information, and Infectious Disease Control placards all in one area

Offers additional opportunities for communication including chart holders, writing surfaces, and display rails

Increases HCAHPS (the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) scores

Patient Care Signage | L&H Companies

Customizable Icons for All PCS Solutions.

Healthcare isn’t a one-size-fits-all industry and your PCS shouldn’t be either. Our customizable medical signage system is suitable for any and all facilities. Easily create tailor-made signage by choosing the patient condition icons that your facility, department, or unit uses most often from our icon library. If you can’t find what you need, we can design any medical symbol or icon to maximize the effectiveness and use of the signage.

Patient Care Signage | L&H Companies

Our Locking Tab Feature Eliminates Uncertainty.

Locking tabs ensures that there is no ambiguity from half-exposed icons. Medical personnel will have the peace of mind of knowing that critical information will lock securely in place, while at the same time easily unlocking with a unique push-and-slide system to update patient details quickly.

Client Testimonials

We had a major shift from hanging laminated papers on hooks on patient room doors to now using the PCS which has increased presentability, uniformity, communication, and safety for all. Having the acrylic windows available for customized inserts has been very useful as well, with our graphic designers making inserts that match the style of the outer sign.

Cory Myers, MS

USA Health

It improves communication because it is immediate communication that can happen between caregivers.

Kim Carson

RN, Infection Prevention Doylestown Health

The patient care sign helps improve communication at the hospital by allowing us to communicate with all different staff members.


Orthopedics St. Luke's Hospital
Patient Care Signage | L&H Companies

The Original Patient Care Sign

We are the originators of the patented, tamper-proof locking tab system element included with each of our patient care signage products. This exclusive locking tab system sets our sign apart from any other patient care sign on the market.

Looking for more information or have questions on the Patient Care Sign?

Not sure what sign type would fit best for your facility? Call 1-800-360.SIGN and ask for Patient Care Sign Sales to talk to someone directly. We look forward to working with you on your project!

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